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Hop Drop Ale Onion - Cheese Toastie

Hop Drop Ale Onion - Cheese Toastie

  We all know beer is great for drinking, but did you know it’s just as good for cooking? And no, we’re not talking about ale ice lollies, those didn’t exactly fly off the shelves… Here at Stroud B...

AwardsNational Sustainability Award

National Sustainability Award

Stroud Brewery’s pioneering approach to combining brewing and sustainability received national recognition on Wednesday evening at the ‘Oscars for the beer industry’. Founder and MD, Greg Pilley an...

Celebrate Veganuary with a Pint!

Celebrate Veganuary with a Pint!

Stroud Brewery is proud to announce that everyone who is vegan or joining in with theannual Veganuary challenge can now choose from its full range of beers whenenjoying a night out or relaxing at h...

Facebook Hacking

Facebook Hacking

It’s every business’ social media nightmare – having your account hacked. Unfortunately, it happened to Stroud Brewery’s Facebook page back in June when it was stolen and taken over by persons unk...



GRAB A GREEN BARGAIN THIS BLACK FRIDAY Everyone loves a bargain but, this year, why not ditch Black Friday in favour of Green Friday to get yourself a deal which does good at the same time as savin...

LocalRecord-Breaking Community Hop Picking Day

Record-Breaking Community Hop Picking Day

We smashed it this year – harvesting a record-breaking 94kg of hops! That’s nearly double last year’s 54kg. Enjoy a beer in your garden, from your garden. The beginning of Octobermarks the annual r...

AwardsOur green credentials get national recognition!

Our green credentials get national recognition!

Our brewery has won the title of Sustainable Pub of the Year in the Great BritishPub Awards 2023 - the Oscars of the UK's Pub industry. These awards celebrate the best of pub life, their hard work ...

Alcohol As A Force For Good? - Morning Advertiser article

Alcohol As A Force For Good? - Morning Advertiser article

Greg Pilley, founder & MD of Stroud Brewery, writes a regular column for The Morning Advertiser, the brewing industry's leading magazine. His latest piece explores the power of alcohol to do go...