Facebook Hacking

Facebook Hacking
It’s every business’ social media nightmare – having your account hacked. Unfortunately, it happened to Stroud Brewery’s Facebook page back in June when it was stolen and taken over by persons unknown. At first, all they did was use the account to sell gadgets for pulling weeds out of flower borders! Sadly, the account is now being used for much more unsavoury content led by a lady called Emma. Despite weekly phone calls to Meta who promised to sort out the situation, nothing’s happened so we've created a new Facebook page. We'd like to say a massive Thank You to everyone who messaged or called us, and to those who reported “Emma“ and followed the new page — you’re stars! 

If you’d like to keep up-to-date with the 20+ events held at the brewery every week, the latest organic beers created by our master brewers and all our other news, please unfollow the old Facebook page and sign up to the new one: www.facebook.com/stroudbreweryandtaproom  – and show Emma she’s dumped."

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