It has a strong sense of community and has long been a hub of green activity, a place where people like to think a bit differently to see how life can be organised in a better way for everyone.

It’s thanks to that wonderful Stroud community that the brewery exists and is one of the main reasons it continues to thrive. We were able to set up the brewery and then expand twice thanks to the money the local community invested in us.

We survived the pandemic because of the £114,000 raised by the community’s crowd-funding appeal which, added to the help from Stroud District Council, Triodos Bank and our landlords, Howard Tenens, kept us afloat.

Supporting our community is very important to us because of all this amazing support over the years. Not only is our taproom a bustling social space where people can spend time together, reconnect with friends and find time to relax, we also make sure it’s an inclusive place where new community initiatives are trialled, hobbies are kept alive (board games night, anyone?), mental and physical well-being is nurtured through many different weekly classes (dare you to try the bungee aerobics class), and anyone whatever their background is welcomed.

Our Hop Club enlists the help of local gardeners: we provide them with hop plants in the spring which grow in their gardens and allotments during summer. At the beginning of September, they bring their hop harvest to the brewery for a morning of picking and chatting serenaded by local jazz band, the Dave Ayres Trio, to then watch their hops be used to brew our special autumn beer, Brewers’ Garden.

Even our beer slops are helping the local community! Voluntary group, Wild Stroud, which shows people how to turn their gardens into wildlife havens, distributes our weekly beer slops to gardeners so they can make organic slug traps!

Keeping their precious plants intact but not putting nasty chemicals into the food chain. Marvellous!

We donate money and beer to local charities, and do what we can to help local good causes because the pub should be an integral part of where it is: because when you root for your community, it roots for you and that’s when the special relationships and the magic happens.