Since 2008, we’ve been using 100% organic ingredients to make our beer and we’re sticking to this even though it costs us more. But what is organic?

Since 2008, we’ve been using 100% organic ingredients to make our beer and we’re sticking to this even though it costs us more. But what is organic?

In an (organic) nutshell, it means food, drink or a product is produced in a way which works with nature, and avoids the use of artificial chemicals in every part of a business: from manufacturing and production to storage and sales, and even its suppliers. All stages have to be organic.

Very occasionally, artificial chemicals might have to be used but this is only allowed when natural or organic options are not available, and there’s an important need: if a farm animal becomes seriously ill, for example.


We believe it’s one of the best ways to regenerate our wildlife, reverse the damage being done to our environment and provide you with healthier food. Research has shown that:

Almost twice as many birds, insects and plants can live on an organic farm than a non-organic one.

That’s pretty mind-blowing.

Organic soil is healthier … so more plants grow and they don’t get killed by artificial chemicals … so there are more flowers for bees and insects to feed on … so there are more seeds and insects for birds to eat … plus nasty chemicals don’t get into the rivers, enabling more wildlife to live in them …. get the idea?

Not to mention that organic soils are much better at soaking up and storing carbon dioxide (one of the greenhouse gases causing the climate crisis).

And you benefit, too: crops grown on organic farms contain more vitamins, nutrients and trace elements. Your body will love that!

We could go on… but instead, we’ll simply carry on making award-winning beer made from 100% organic ingredients.

What’s not to love?