Beer, Diversity and B Corps

Beer, Diversity and B Corps

Greg recently spoke with Richard Dodd from Wildwood Ecology on the Ecology Academy Podcast.

The Ecology Academy Podcast is a monthly show where we get to talk and learn about all things ecological, including interviews with top ecologists (both employers and employees), those working with ecologists, and also aspiring and inspiring career-seeking individuals setting out to make a difference.

To celebrate B Corp month Richard gets to discuss many of his passions including beer, biodiversity and, of course, businesses as a force for good.

Take away messages include why choosing to buy from and work with B Corps is good for you and the planet and how Stroud Brewery have invested so heavily into brewing organically which benefits biodiversity and people.

Greg gets to showcase soils, sustainability and how to drink responsibly farmed beer.

You can view the podcast here

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